Last Saturday of the Month - Hive NS, 4p $15
4th Monday of the Month - CB5 Coquitlam, 7p $15
3rd Monday of the Month - Hive Van, 6:30p $15
2nd Sunday of the Month - CB5 NS, 6:00p $15
3rd Wed of the Month - Hive Poco, 6:30p $15
NEW! 4th Wed of the Month - Hive Heights, 7:30p $15
You can purchase a discounted ticket via the links on our site, or if you already have a gym membership/the meet-up is sold out, you can just show up at the same time as us on these days!* Just look for our Bad Academy T-shirts and green wristbands :)
*Note: Hive Vancouver still requires booking via their website, so please make sure you book a spot!